Lesson 7: へやが3つあります[heya ga mittsu arimasu]

In this lesson, we learnt:
  • describe own house and living are
  • describe what they have in the house
  • write an email to invite friends to their place

Activity we did during class are:
  • talk about our home
  • talk about our room and things in the room
  • write a simple email to invite friends to house

Before we describe furnitures or room that we have in our home, we have to describe what type of house do we live in. There are several types of house in japan:

Image result for apaato at japan

Related image

In Malaysia, there are several types of house:

Image result for semi D

Image result for bungalow

Other than that, we also describe our house to each other. What do we have in our room etc:

Image result for room
Example of a room

Simple vocabulary:

ヘヤ        [heya]- Room
エアコン[eakon]- Aircond
ベッド    [beddo]-Bed
テレビ    [terebi]-Television

And lastly, we email our friend to invite to our house. But for practice, we just email sensei. Hee~
This is my email to sensei.


わたしの いえは いっこだて です。
わたしの いえは ふるい と ちいさい です。
ちかくに れすとらんが あります。
やすみに あそびに きて ください。


[Zolaida - sensei.

My home is on the river.
My house is small and sieve.
There is a lot of work to be done.
Please come and visit Yasumi.


And sensei replied to me:


ありがとうございます。レストランが ありますか。
こんど いっしょに いきましょう。



Good evening.
Thank you very much. Is there a restaurant?
Let's go together next time.


-End of lesson 7-

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