LESSON 1 こんにちは [konnnichiwa]

Lesson 1 is the crucial part in learning japanese languange. Japanese is famous with their manner. How they greet other people. How they interact with each other. Their respect to each other is on another level.  Just wow.

In this lesson 1, what we learnt are:

  • Japanese greeting
  • Greeting culture   

  • These are simple examples greetings in japanese:

    はじめまして hajimemashite 

    Leaving and coming home 
    いってきます itte kimasu ただいま 
    tadaima おかえりなさい okaerinasai 

    Completing work/ leaving work place 
     おつかれさまです otsukaresama deshita 
     おさきにしつれいします osakini shitsurei shimasu

    Before and after eating 
    いただきます itadakimasu 
    ごちそうさまでした gochisoosama deshita 

    がんばってください ganbatte kudasai 

    すみません sumimasen 
    ごめんなさい gomennasai

    Image result for cartoon

    In class, we have a little practices. We exchange greetings with each other. Sure it is fun cause we speak japanese as we have already fluent using it. haha.


    -End for lesson 1-

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