Lesson 6: どこで たべますか[dokode tabemasuka]

In this lesson, we learnt:
  • to say favorite dish
  • to talk about dining places
  • to read menu book, and
  • to order food

What we achieved:
  • say what your favorite dish
  • talk with a friend about where to go for lunch
  • read a menu
  • order food in restaurant

Before this in lesson 5, we just talk and discuss about food that can written in hiragana.  But, in this lesson, we can also talk and discuss about that is written in katakana. As example:

Image result for hanbaagaa

Image result for udon

Image result for karee

After we had enough see food, we proceed to the next activity. Talk to friend about food. Where to eat etc:

せんせい:ひるごはん、どこで たべますか。[hiru gohanwo dokode tabemasuka] 
イザ         :あの みせで たべましょう。[ano misede tabemashoo] 
せんせい:カレーですか。[karee desuka] 
イザ          :はい。あの みせの カレーは おいしいですよ。[hai. Ano mise no karee wa oishii                                                                                                                desuyo] 
せんせい:じゃ、そう しましょう。[ja, soo shimashoo]

-End lesson 6-

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