Hey there everyone. This blog is not a medium for those who want to learn japanese languange. It's just a series of lessons that my friend and I have learnt in class. If you're interested in learning japanese languange, I recommend to you to find your own teacher so that you can learn and master it better.

So for intoduction, the book we used in class

Image result for marugoto a1
marugoto (A1)
This book is good for beginner. It is colourful in the inside make it's interesting to learn (not boring). This book also using pictures for a better understanding. It is a good way to memorise some words as not all people have good memory when facing a lot of words in book. Practices in this book is using audio. So, we can hear the perfect pronunciation and practise it regularly. 

Image result for marugoto a1
One of the page in marugoto book.

In early lesson before using this book, we have a task given by our teacher (sensei). We must memorise hiragana writing so that we can read. A normal phenomena for a complete beginner, we especially me read japanese words very slow. haha.  There are 3 types japanese writing. Hiragana, katakana and kanji.

Image result for katakana table
Katakana table.
Image result for hiragana table with stroke order
Hiragana table

After we all have memorise all of the hiragana writing, we have to take a test. Online test. Interesting right?

-End for introduction-

LESSON 1 こんにちは [konnnichiwa]

Lesson 1 is the crucial part in learning japanese languange. Japanese is famous with their manner. How they greet other people. How they interact with each other. Their respect to each other is on another level.  Just wow.

In this lesson 1, what we learnt are:

  • Japanese greeting
  • Greeting culture   

  • These are simple examples greetings in japanese:

    はじめまして hajimemashite 

    Leaving and coming home 
    いってきます itte kimasu ただいま 
    tadaima おかえりなさい okaerinasai 

    Completing work/ leaving work place 
     おつかれさまです otsukaresama deshita 
     おさきにしつれいします osakini shitsurei shimasu

    Before and after eating 
    いただきます itadakimasu 
    ごちそうさまでした gochisoosama deshita 

    がんばってください ganbatte kudasai 

    すみません sumimasen 
    ごめんなさい gomennasai

    Image result for cartoon

    In class, we have a little practices. We exchange greetings with each other. Sure it is fun cause we speak japanese as we have already fluent using it. haha.


    -End for lesson 1-

    Lesson 2 もういちどいってください[mou ichido itte kudasai] -Please say it again

    These are the usual expression uses in class. It is very common to us speaking with manner with teacher and friends in class.

    1. During the class
    (では) はじめましょう。 Dewa hajimemashoo. (Let’s start)
    (では)おわりましょう。 Dewa owarimashoo. (Let’s finish here.)
    ちょっと やすみまましょう。 Chotto yasumimashoo. (Let’s have a break.)

    2. Teacher’s instruction
    きいて ください。 Kiite kudasai. (Please listen)
    いって ください。 Itte kudasai. (Please say)
    かいて ください。 Kaite kudasai. (Please write)
    みて ください。 Mite kudasai. (Please look)
    よんで ください。 Yonde kudasai. (Please read)
    おぼえて ください。 Oboete kudasai. (Please memorize)
    もういちど いって ください。 Moo ichido itte kudasai. (Please repeat)
     ゆっくり いって ください。 Yukkuri itte kudasai. (Please say it slowly)
    おおきい こえで いって ください。 Ookii koede itte kudasai. (Please say it louder)
    いっしょに いって ください。 Isshoni itte kudasai. (Please say it together)

    Image result for cartoon in class

    Other than that, in this lesson, we have been introduced the perfect pronunciation country names in japanese. They have their unique sound. Very interesting. Not all country we learnt the perfect pronunciation. Just some of them.   

    Some of them written in hiragana and some of them written in katana. That is why me must memorise the hiragana and katakana table.

    -The end lesson 2-

    Lesson 3: どうぞよろしく[doozo yoroshiku]

    In this lesson, what we have learnt are:

    • Simple self-introduction
    • Asking other's name, job
    • Reading name card 

    • We have to introduced ourselves by speaking in japanese. There are several useful expression to introduce ourselves. The usage of these expression is very common.

      1. アリヤ :はじめまして。アリヤです。マレーシアから きました。 どうぞ よろしく おね       がい します。 
          Aliya : Hajimemashite. Aliya desu. Mareeshia kara kimashita. Doozo yoroshiku onegai shimasu. 

          キム :はじめまして。キムです。かんこくじんです。 どうぞ よろしく。 
           Kim : Hajimemashite. Kim desu. Kankokujin desu. Doozo yoroshiku. 

      This is one of the common way to introduce ourselves. There are more.

      2.  ハナ :はじめまして。ハナです。ペラから きました。 よろしく おねがい します。 
          Hana : Hajimemashite. Hana desu. Pera kara kimashita. Yoroshiku onegai shimasu. 

          アナス :はじめまして。アナスです。クアラルンプールからです。 よろしく。 
          Anas : Hajimemashite. Anasu desu. Kuara Rumpuuru kara desu. Yoroshiku.

      Image result for cartoon have conversation

      We also practise how to asking people without rude. Asking with manner. I give you some examples how to ask people. A very basic examples.

      1. おなまえ は (なんですか)?[onamae wa?]
      2. おくに は (どこです)? [okuni wa?]
      3. おしごと は (なんですか)?[oshigoto wa?]

      The first question is a question for asking the name. The second one is for asking where he/she live. And the third one is for asking what is their work.

      The last thing we do in class for this lesson is reading a name card. We were asked by sensei to create our own name card. Depend on our creativity, how we will create that. It is very interesting activity. From this name card, we were asked to introduced ourselves to our friend. Using the expression we have learnt just now. Practises make perfect right 😃

      Image result for name card hello my name is

      -The end of lesson 3-

      Lesson 4: かぞくは 3にんです[kazoku wa san nin desu]

      In this lesson, there are several objectives student must archieve:
      What student will learn
      • Talking about own family
      • Describing own family

      What student will be able to do:
      • Talk briefly about your family
      • Tell someone about your family

      We have to introduce our family using our family photo. He have to tell others what are our family members works and what are their ages. 

      Image result for family japanese learning  in japanese
      Words for works

      Image result for family japanese learning  in japanese
      Words for family members

      -End of lesson 4-

      Lesson 5: なにが すきですか [naniga suki desuka]

      In this lesson, we learnt:
      • to talk about food and favorite food
      • to offer someone food/drink
      • to accept/refuse offer politely
      • to talk about eating habit/culture

      What we achieved:
      • talk about favorite food
      • offer someone a drink
      • talk about your breakfast

      There are many types of food. It very nice topic to be talked about. A topic that not heavy. Just nice and light topic to be a conversation.

      Image result for sakana sushi

      Image result for ramen naruto
      Image result for ocha tea
      Green tea

      We practised in our class by asking each other what is your favourite drinks and foods. 

      せんせい:なにが すきですか。[nani ga suki desuka.] 
      イザ         :にくが すきです。[sakana ga suki desu.] 
      せんせい:さかな は?[sakana wa?]
       イザ        :さななは すきじゃないです。[sakana wa suki janai desu.] 

      We also practise to get someone a drink.

      せんせい: コーヒー、のみますか。[koohii nomimasuka.] 
      イザット: はい、おねがい します。[hai, onegai shimasu.]/ *
                            いいえ、けっこうです。[iie, kekkoo desu.] 
      せんせい:はい、どうぞ。[hai,dozoo.]/ *
                          わたしは こうちゃを のみます。[watashi wa koocha wo nomimasu.] 

      These are several useful expression we can use regarding food or drinks.

      あさごはん/asa gohan/ = breakfast • 
      ひるごはん /hiru gohan/ = lunch • 
      ばんごはん /ban gohan/ = dinner • 
      あまり たべません /amari tabemasen/ = seldom eat/take it • 
      あまり のみません / amari nomimasen/ = seldom drink/ take it • 
      あまり すき じゃないです/amari suki janai desu/ = I am not a big fan. • 
      アルコールを のんでは いけません /arukooru wo nonde wa ikemasen/ = I can’t drink/take                                                                                                                                       alcohol 

      -End lesson 5-

      Lesson 6: どこで たべますか[dokode tabemasuka]

      In this lesson, we learnt:
      • to say favorite dish
      • to talk about dining places
      • to read menu book, and
      • to order food

      What we achieved:
      • say what your favorite dish
      • talk with a friend about where to go for lunch
      • read a menu
      • order food in restaurant

      Before this in lesson 5, we just talk and discuss about food that can written in hiragana.  But, in this lesson, we can also talk and discuss about that is written in katakana. As example:

      Image result for hanbaagaa

      Image result for udon

      Image result for karee

      After we had enough see food, we proceed to the next activity. Talk to friend about food. Where to eat etc:

      せんせい:ひるごはん、どこで たべますか。[hiru gohanwo dokode tabemasuka] 
      イザ         :あの みせで たべましょう。[ano misede tabemashoo] 
      せんせい:カレーですか。[karee desuka] 
      イザ          :はい。あの みせの カレーは おいしいですよ。[hai. Ano mise no karee wa oishii                                                                                                                desuyo] 
      せんせい:じゃ、そう しましょう。[ja, soo shimashoo]

      -End lesson 6-

      Lesson 7: へやが3つあります[heya ga mittsu arimasu]

      In this lesson, we learnt:
      • describe own house and living are
      • describe what they have in the house
      • write an email to invite friends to their place

      Activity we did during class are:
      • talk about our home
      • talk about our room and things in the room
      • write a simple email to invite friends to house

      Before we describe furnitures or room that we have in our home, we have to describe what type of house do we live in. There are several types of house in japan:

      Image result for apaato at japan

      Related image

      In Malaysia, there are several types of house:

      Image result for semi D

      Image result for bungalow

      Other than that, we also describe our house to each other. What do we have in our room etc:

      Image result for room
      Example of a room

      Simple vocabulary:

      ヘヤ        [heya]- Room
      エアコン[eakon]- Aircond
      ベッド    [beddo]-Bed
      テレビ    [terebi]-Television

      And lastly, we email our friend to invite to our house. But for practice, we just email sensei. Hee~
      This is my email to sensei.


      わたしの いえは いっこだて です。
      わたしの いえは ふるい と ちいさい です。
      ちかくに れすとらんが あります。
      やすみに あそびに きて ください。


      [Zolaida - sensei.

      My home is on the river.
      My house is small and sieve.
      There is a lot of work to be done.
      Please come and visit Yasumi.


      And sensei replied to me:


      ありがとうございます。レストランが ありますか。
      こんど いっしょに いきましょう。



      Good evening.
      Thank you very much. Is there a restaurant?
      Let's go together next time.


      -End of lesson 7-

      Lesson 8:いいへやですね[ii heya desune]

      In this lesson, we learnt:

      • how talk about where to put things in the room
      • how visit and welcome friend
      • how toshow someone around their home

      Activity that we did: 
      • ask/say where to put things in a room
      • visit and welcome friends to home
      • show friend around their home
      • recognise name and address on signs

      Simple vocabulary;


      After that, we visiting japanese house. there's a room that looks exactly like a japanese house. It's located besides our class. lol~

      In Japan, the custom is very much similar with Malaysian houses. They took off the shoes at the main door and replace with an in-house slipper to walk around the house.The main door is called げんかん  [genkan]. This where you take off your shoes and put them in properly facing the door.

      Image result for げんかん

      Image result for げんかん
      shoes facing the door

      Many Japanese houses still use Japanese style room. Sometimes the Japanese style room also used as guest room. The Japanese style room usually will be covered with tatami matt.

      Image result for tatami

      -End lesson lesson 8-

      Lesson 9:なんじに おきますか[nan ji ni okimasuka]

      In the lesson, we learnt:
      • how to tell time
      • how talk about daily routine

      Activity we done:
      • say the time we do something
      • talk about our daily routine

      How tell time in japanese:

      1:00 いちじ [ichi ji]
      2:00 にじ [ni ji] 
      3:00 さんじ [san ji] 
      4:00 よじ [yo ji] 
      5:00 ごじ [go ji] 
      6:00 ろくじ [roku ji] 
      7:00 しちじ [shichi ji] 
      8:00 はちじ [hachi ji] 
      9:00 くじ [ku ji] 
      10:00 じゅうじ [juu ji] 
      11:00 じゅういちじ [juu ichi ji] 
      12:00 じゅうにじ [juu ni ji] 
      ○: 30 ○じ はん [○ji han]  

      Image result for clock

      Other than that, we learn to use adjectives. Examples:

      はやい [hayai] fasrt⇔ おそい [osoi] slow
      いそがしい [isogashii] busy ⇔ ひま[hima] free

      -End Lesson 9-